Remember our stores at Christmas?

Remember our stores at Christmas?

Remember our stores at Christmas? The festive season is a financially difficult time for many people. If you are a former BHS employee and are worried about how to pay for Christmas, then why not contact us now? Remember we are here to...
Apply for a Christmas Grant Now!

Apply for a Christmas Grant Now!

Apply for a Christmas Grant Now! If you are a former BHS employee and are worried about how to afford Christmas, the BHS Trust Fund is here to help. You can apply for a Christmas Grant up until 1st December, so don’t hesitate to contact us Contact Us. Email on...
Worried about your heating / energy bills?

Worried about your heating / energy bills?

Worried about your heating / energy bills? With surging gas prices and utility companies collapsing, will you struggle to pay your energy bills this winter? Act now and get in touch if you are a former BHS employee, we may be able to help! Contact Us Remember we are...
Worried about staying in work?

Worried about staying in work?

Worried about staying in work? With the furlough scheme coming to an end soon, there may be uncertain times ahead. Should you be worried about buying food and paying bills, do get in touch. We’re here to help former BHS employees with 12 months’ service or more....
5 years since BHS stores closed

5 years since BHS stores closed

5 years since BHS stores closed It has been 5 years since all BHS stores closed, which was a sad time for all of us. But remember the BHS Trust Fund is still here today and continuing to support our BHS family. If you or another former BHS employee needs our help...
Do you need school holiday help?

Do you need school holiday help?

Do you need school holiday help? Are you finding the school holidays a worry with extra food, treats to buy, and paying for a few activities for the children? If you’re a former BHS employee of 12 months or more, then the BHS Trust Fund could help you. Contact Us to...